
View iphone notes on mac
View iphone notes on mac

view iphone notes on mac

Tip: Just noticed that you have to bring the mouse pointer all the way outside of the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can still click it though and the Quick Notes interface opens up! Sometimes, only a white corner is displayed. I’ve noticed that the ‘New Quick Note’ interface doesn’t show up all the time when you bring the pointer to the bottom-right corner of the screen. Tip: You can also use the Fn + Q keyboard shortcut to bring up Quick Notes in macOS Monterey!

  • A white box labeled New Quick Note slides-in.
  • All that you have to do is move the pointer to the bottom-right corner of the screen!.
  • Instead of swiping you need to use your mouse pointer. Quick Notes on Mac work the same way as they do on iPad running iOS 15.

    view iphone notes on mac

    Do you know that you can take a quick note on Mac? This is a hidden macOS Monterey feature that allows you to make a note from anywhere on your computer.

    View iphone notes on mac